
Compare your options with lenders and other providers so you can apply for the best solution that works for you. Shop around to get the big picture by looking at the options on GoodCheddar so you can make the right choice and have a better chance of being prequalified. 

Not all lenders are the same and there can be several variables within the terms, agreement, fees or rates that require a closer look so you can make informed decisions. The most common types of loans are unsecured fixed rate loans. These don’t require collateral and the monthly payments would stay the same during the term.

Reviews on GoodCheddar are based on details from a lenders website along with referencing the reviews of such lenders on various other sources to take into consideration. This can include their affiliation with organizations like the Canadian Lenders Association (CLA) or similar. 

Reviews at GoodCheddar are not score based. This is not beneficial as many tend to make decisions based on a short cut (reading the score) rather than taking the time to read the review. We focus on keeping reviews brief but still providing enough info to be of value.

Lender Reviews